

My name is P B Arun Sarathy.

To borrow a phrase from Reid Hoffman, co-founder, and Chairman of LinkedIn, I’d like to call it Permanent Beta – a work-in-progress forever.

  • Reading is my favorite pastime. If I hear the word ‘books’, it makes me turn to see who mentioned it and I’d love to start a conversation immediately.
  • Listening to music is also close to my heart.
  • I got bitten by the book bugs so many times that I also wrote a few.
  • I blog on thekeyponderer.com, TechLibrary.tv, and bloggerIQ.com, sharing what I learn.
  • I believe that learning is a never-ending process.

This is my personal blog where you can find some of my deepest thoughts and anything that doesn’t fit into my other websites.

Some links given on this blog are affiliate links, meaning that I may receive a commission from the respective product owner, at no additional cost to you.